Thursday 13 November 2014

Cordova Plugin is not Available when Application Starts

If you use a plugin and execute its method when your application starts and have this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '[your_plugin_name]' of undefined at Object.[plugin_method]
then it is likely that the plugin has not been initialised fully when the method is called.

To solve this issue, wait until deviceready event is fired before calling the plugin's method.

With AngularJS, I like to wait until deviceready event is fired before loading the whole application. To do this, make sure that ng-app declaration is removed from the HTML, then bootstrap the app when deviceready event has fired. document.addEventListener is used to determine whether the event has been fired.
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
    angular.bootstrap(document, ["myApp"]);
}, false);
If you want to apply this to a particular element instead of the whole HTML document (or body), you could use:
var theElement = document.findByID(...) // or document.querySelector(...);
angular.bootstrap(theElement, ["myApp"]);

Then you can call the rest scripts:
var myApp= angular.module('myApp', [. . .]);

  . . .

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