Thursday 15 November 2012

Some Notes about Entity Framework Code First Fluent API on Properties

- By convention a property with name 'Id' or '[Class]Id' will become the generated table primary key.

- string property will become an nvarchar(max) column.

- Keys properties and value types (any numeric, DateTime, bool and char) properties will become non-nullable columns. Reference types (String and arrays) and nullable value types (e.g.; Int16?, int?, decimal?, etc) properties will yield as nullable columns.

- byte[] property will become varbinary(max) column.

- Configuring primary key
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().HasKey(p => p.[PropertyName]);

- Non-nullable column
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsRequired();

- Nullable column
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsOptional();

- Set the maximum length for a property and the generated column
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).HasMaxLength([NumberLength]);

- Largest possible length of column's data type
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsMaxLength();

- Use fixed rather than variable data type, e.g.; varchar instead of nvarchar
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsFixedLength();
To extend the fixed data type column use
To have largest possible length of the fixed data type column use
For string property, we can change the default data type generated (nvarchar) to varchar by using

- Use variable length data type
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsVariableLength();

- Specify the generated column data type
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).HasColumnType("[ColumnName]");

- Set the property to be used for concurrency checking
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsConcurrencyToken();

- Set a row version column in the generated table to be used as the concurrency token
modelBuilder.Entity<[ClassName]>().Property(p => p.[PropertyName]).IsRowVersion();
The property must have Byte[] type. IsRowVersion() is only allowed one in a class.

Further reading:
Configuring Properties and Types with the Fluent API

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